Movie Dads Podcast
Our hosts Kyle and Howie are two full-time Dads who enjoy and love talking about movies of any genre! Join them each week as they discuss movies and other media.
Every other week our hosts present the "BIG Premiere Movie of the Week", where they review one of the biggest new releases in theaters or streaming! They will give their initial Spoiler-free thoughts on the film before diving deep into spoiler territory and going over details of the movie and their ratings.
In between new movie reviews, episodes will feature a "You NEED To See This Movie" throwback movie from the past, or "What Do You Mean You Haven't Seen It??" movie where one of our hosts presents a movie that they love that the other host hasn't seen.
In addition to the movie reviews/discussions, we will feature other segments that dive into the world of movies, video games, comics, toys, etc.
6 To Midnight: News and nuggets that pique our interest this week.
There Can Be Only FIVE: Our top 5 lists each week.
Find us on YouTube to watch the Podcast on video @MovieDadsPod or on social media - @MovieDadsPod on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.
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Movie Dads Podcast
Movie Dads Podcast Episode 74: Galaxy Quest (1999)
Join our hosts Kyle and Howie as they discuss the satirical sci-fi action comedy - "Galaxy Quest" (1999), in this week's "You NEED To See This Movie!"
In our first segment, "Movie Dads and Movie Kids", Howie and Kyle discuss what's going on in their family world with some movie and music highlights!
Our Dads next segment, 6 to Midnight (10:29), focuses on new trailers as we got our first looks at both "Fantastic Four: First Steps", AND "Jurassic World: Rebirth! We also look at some new horror movies and more!
Our "You NEED To See This Movie" movie of the week - Galaxy Quest! (34:16). Kyle and Howie give their thoughts on the movie, how surprisingly funny it is, as well as some of their favorite moments.
There Can Be Only FIVE! (59:31) This week the Movie Dads give their Top 5 Tim Allen Performances, and return with more How Rotten is your Tomato?? Can Kyle stump Howie this week?
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