Movie Dads Podcast

Movie Dads Podcast Episode 75: Masters of the Universe (1987)

Howie and Kyle Season 2 Episode 75

Join our hosts Kyle and Howie as they discuss the superhero action movie - "Masters of the Universe" (1987), in this week's "Nostalgia Goggles" movie of the week!

In our first segment, "Movie Dads and Movie Kids", Howie and Kyle discuss what's going on in their family world with some movie and music highlights!

Our Dads next segment, 6 to Midnight (15:25), Howie has a couple bonus movie reviews with "Captain America: Brave New World", and "The Monkey". Kyle discusses a new video game he's playing, and an upcoming new Batman comic! 

Our "Nostalgia Goggles" movie of the week - Masters of the Universe! (32:00). Kyle and Howie give their thoughts on the movie, and how many interesting facts there are about this movie. Some of the behind the scenes stories are wild and you won't believe what the almost sequel movie was! 

There Can Be Only FIVE! (1:05:06) This week the Movie Dads give their Top 5 Movies based on Toys, and return with more How Rotten is your Tomato?? Can Howie stump Kyle this week?

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